ANZAC day is a very special day in Australia. On 25Th April each year Australians remember what happened in times of war and it's a public holiday.
The letters stand for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, some people are called heroes as a Simpson and his donkey named "Duffy" both are famous heroes from the First World War .
Most countries have people who work in the Army, the Navy or the Air force. This is called the Defence Force. "Defend" means to keep safe and Australian Defence Force keep our Country safe
and protect us.
On ANZAC Day people who have defended our Country get special medals and families can go to the marches in their towns, we can wear Anzac bandages and Wave Australian flags to show how proud we are. The Ode is a part of an special poem that is said during the Anzac Day Service, the poem said: " they shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them."
On ANZAC Day flowers and wreaths of red poppies are laid at the bottom of war memorials as a way of saying we have remember those people who have fought for our Country.
So now I'm ready to celebrate the next ANZAC Day